Thank you for your interest in joining Hull NHS Choir. We’d love to have you join us! Let us just cover a few frequently asked questions.
When do you rehearse?
During 2025 we plan to rehearse twice a month, one Saturday and one Sunday, from 10.45am to 2.45pm. Our rehearsals are usually at Hull Royal Infirmary. However, these days, times and locations sometimes change, and we may have extra rehearsals before big events.
How much are subs?
You will be able to enjoy a free taster (in person) rehearsal on us before you decide whether or not choir is right for you.
If you stick with us, subs are £10 a month paid by standing order, which is a recurring bank transfer.
Does it matter if I can't sing?
If you have a voice, you can sing. If you don’t have a voice, you can sign, or just come along for the experience and to be around others who enjoy nusic and performance. We are an all-inclusive, no audition choir. The only requirement is that you work as an employee, volunteer or student within the NHS or healthcare. Come and see what we’re all about!
Ooooh, I'm not sure...
Feel free to email us at with any specific questions before joining.
Join Us
If you'd like to join Hull NHS Choir, please complete your details and we will set you up as a member on our system, so you can choose a rehearsal date to come to your first taster session!