Website Testing Group: Activity 1

Before we start making any major changes to our website, I’d like to get an idea of what the problems are with the website now, as it stands.

For this first activity, I’d like you all to look at 5 different pages on our website.

I’d love it if you could all look at all 5 pages but there’s no obligation to do so. However, pages like the gender surgery leaflet should be reviewed not only by those who are LGBTQ+ but by those who have accessibility needs.

Content warning: The second link describes bleeding during pregnancy and may be upsetting/distressing to anyone who has experienced pregnancy loss. The fourth link may include language that transgender people find uncomfortable to read.

  1. Homepage: Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
  2. Patient Information Leaflet: Bleeding and/or pain in early pregnancy
  3. Patient Information Leaflet: Patch Testing for Contact Dermatitis
  4. Patient Information Leaflet: Gender Reassignment Surgery – Female to Male Breast Surgery
  5. Information about our EDI work: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

I’d like you all to test each page for whichever of the following you have agreed to test for: accessibility, LGBTQ+ inclusion, or Black, Asian and minority ethnic inclusion.

When you’ve looked at the pages, please complete this feedback questionnaire.
